Heroes of might and magic 3 units
Heroes of might and magic 3 units

heroes of might and magic 3 units

Level 3: Dragon Fly is way too low, I'd put them at least 3rd. I also think the Battle Dwarf is too high. In addition to doing high damage, they're also much beefier than Marksmen and have no melee penalty. Level 2: If you're ignoring cost, there's no way to make the argument that Storm Elementals aren't #1. Halbrediers are too high, yes, they hit hard, but Sprites and Skels are clearly better. Their resistance to blind is useful enough to move them up at least 2 spots. I guess I'll post my thoughts as well: Level 1: Trogs are too low. Hydras are definitely deserving of their last place. Solid speed, great for hit and runs, pretty expensive but not the worst. Arch devils are better than you're saying. Titans are great units but are tremendously expensive. Behemoths should be higher - defense altering ability, cheap dwelling, good stats, good speed, and insane attack. Black dragons are hard to rush due to mage guild level 3 requirement, same with gold dragons. Also the unit is easily rushed, and depending on the map it easily becomes available by late week one or early week two.

Heroes of might and magic 3 units plus#

Insane speed insures first spell in combat, plentiful, cheap, fire immunity combos well with Conflux immunities and armageddon, plus the always handy resurrection makes it a great unit for defending sieges as well as hero to hero combat. Phoenix is the best level seven unit without argument. I'd probably move the cyclopse king and psychic elemental higher. Dread Knight is obviously the best level 6. As far as raw stats I'd say the minotaur king takes the prize, but there are some great all around units at this level. That, and pit fiends are just too valuable for demon farming. Their ability is awesome against strong creature stacks, but being a Fortress unit ultimately makes it irrelevant as no one really plays Fortress. I'm not sure how I feel about Gorgons being the top level 5. Great, all purpose flier with auto ressurection? Yes please. Vampire is leaps and bounds the top level 4 creature, and arguably Necro's strongest unit (aside from skeletons). Also cerberi are great for demon farming, if you play that style they definitely deserve to be higher. Good combo to send them into a seige let them take out some stacks then revive with archangels. Level 3 easily goes grand elf although griffins are plentiful and ever-damaging.

heroes of might and magic 3 units

That and I believe it has immunity to air magic making in an incredible level 2 stack. I'd probably move storm elementals higher due to hit points, and overall strength. Very fast, no retaliation, plentiful in number, and flying make this creature a great clean up hitter and gives Conflux even more of a tactical advantage rounding out their numbers with 3 fliers and 2 shooters. Fortress Creatures: Necromancy easily make the skeleton the best unit in the game. Tower (richer maps will place this higher on the list) 9. That being said I would stack the list something closer to this: 1. For these reasons Necropolis and Conflux are usually banned in competitive online play. If you skeleton farm at all in any given map 1k skeletons by the middle of month 2 is easily accomplished and will extremely overpower any other faction at that point in the game. Depending on map size Necropolis will always trump any other faction by virtue of skeletons alone. The crazy numbers, cheap creatures, linear dwellings, amazing abilities and insane speed easily place Conflux second if not first on the list. I disagree with Conflux and Necropolis being so low on the tier list. Here goes: 1.Castle 2.Rampart 3.Tower 4.Dungeon 5.Necropolis 6.Stronghold 7.Conflux 8.Fortress 9.Inferno Creatures: Level 1 1.Centaur Captain 2.Halberdier 3.Sprite 4.Skeleton Warrior 5.Master Gremlin 6.Hobgoblin 7.Gnoll Marauder 8.Infernal Trog 9.Familiar Level 2 1.Harpy Hag 2.Marksman 3.Storm Elemental 4.Battle Dwarf 5.Wolf Raider 6.Obsidian Gargoyle 7.Lizard Warriors 8.Magog 9.Zombie Level 3 1.Grand Elf 2.Royal Griffin 3.Iron Golem 4.Ice Elemental 5.Evil Eye 6.Cerberi 7.Dragon Fly 8.Orc Chieftains 9.Wraith Level 4 1.Vampire Lord 2.Crusader 3.Ogre Mage 4.Medusa Queen 5.Arch Mage 6.Silver Pegasi 7.Greater Basilisk 8.Horned Demon 9.Energy Elemental Level 5 1.Mighty Gorgon 2.Thunderbird 3.Minotaur King 4.Power Lich 5.Zealot 6.Pit Fiends 7.Master Genie 8.Dendroid Soldier 9.Magma Elementals Level 6 1.Dread Knight 2.Naga Queen 3.Champion 4.War Unicorn 5.Efreet Sultan 6.Wyvern Monarch 7.Scorpicore 8.Magic Elemental 9.Cyclops King Level 7 1.Arch Angel 2.Black Dragon 3.Titan 4.Gold Dragon 5.Phoenix 6.Arch Devil 7.Ancient Behemoth 8.Ghost Dragon 9.Chaos Hydra I thought of both growth, abilities and skills when making it, but not cost effectiveness! Based on the results, I also made a faction tier list. Hey, please give me your thoughts on the unit tier list that I made.

Heroes of might and magic 3 units